get a GeoJSON representation of POIs
fields[gasStation] | string Example: fields[gasStation]=brand,address Comma separated list of fields. Selects additional fields to be returned. The requested fields will be shown in the Possible values are:
filter[poiType] | string Enum: "GasStation" "SpeedCamera" Example: filter[poiType]=GasStation Only show POIs of the given type |
filter[onlinePaymentMethod] | string Example: filter[onlinePaymentMethod]=paypal,creditcard Filter results based on available online payment methods. Use a comma separated list to get stations for multiple payment method. |
filter[merchant] | string Example: filter[merchant]=baywa Filter results based on merchant name. Value has to be the same as provided in the merchant field. |
testing | string Example: testing=dkv Activate certain testing scenarios in the code |
filter[country] | string Example: filter[country]=DE Select a country to query. If this parameter is not provided data of all countries is returned. Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format |
filter[connectedFueling] | string Example: filter[connectedFueling]=y If set, the request will only return POIs which have PACE Connected Fueling activated. To activate the filter, use one of the following values (all other values will result in the filter being ignored):
{- "type": "FeatureCollection",
- "features": [
- {
- "id": "be143bc5-9279-41c9-b4f4-dc0839df4fc3",
- "type": "Feature",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 13.386445,
- 52.528189
}, - "properties": {
- "address": {
- "city": "Nienburg (Weser)",
- "countryCode": "DE",
- "houseNo": "1",
- "postalCode": "31582",
- "street": "Südring"
}, - "brand": "Hoyer",
- "prn": [
- "weat:sites:123456",
- "merchant:merchants:0dd508ad-5330-4915-bd55-bc3d55542512"